How To Do Marketing of LinkedIn Company Pages Without Spending A Fortune?

Discover cost-effective strategies for marketing LinkedIn Company Pages. Boost visibility without breaking the bank!

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Last Updated on 28 August 2024 by Wil Son

A lot of people are marketing their own LinkedIn profiles – but rarely are doing marketing of their LinkedIn Company Pages.

And the biggest problem is that the vast majority of those who are doing that, are doing it in the wrong way.

That’s a real shame – since the marketing of LinkedIn company pages is so cool (at least for me) – especially if you’re in the B2B industry.

When your potential B2B clients want to learn more about you, there are two places where they’ll go:

  • Your website
  • Your LinkedIn company page

Thus, it’s crucial importance to understand how the game of LinkedIn company marketing works.

Fortunately – that’s the reason why I’m writing this blog in the first place.

So let’s get started.

Why is it Cool to do marketing of LinkedIn Company Pages?

We at lempod (and lempire in general) – are doing a lot of amazing things. And one of them is certainly the marketing of our company pages.

We definitely won’t do it if it isn’t cool.

First of all – as I already mentioned – if you’re in B2B space, doing at least some type of marketing on your LinkedIn company page is extremely important.

LinkedIn company page is the place that a lot of potential customers of yours are checking to see if they can trust you.

Thus, maintaining a great LinkedIn presence can be crucial.

On the other hand, not to mention that your LinkedIn company page can be another lead generation channel!

Yup! You read it right.

You’re probably missing a bunch of leads if you’re not posting on your LinkedIn company page.

Brand awareness and PR are other things that may be beneficial.

Publishing and promoting your company’s LinkedIn posts can definitely help you improve your brand awareness and be at the top of the minds of other people.

Not to mention that you will find your new hires more easily.

Now that we know what are the benefits of doing marketing on your LinkedIn company page, then let’s see how to do it.

What Content Should You Publish on LinkedIn Company Pages?

Not all content is appropriate for LinkedIn company pages.

But this doesn’t mean that you should be formal.

Even more, your content should be aligned with your brand voice.

As an example, lemlist is using funny memes to promote their content:

Being funny, but yet knowledgable, is part of the lemlist’s brand voice. And that’s exactly what are they promoting on their company LinkedIn pages.

To keep the story short, let’s see what should you post on LinkedIn and whatnot:

What not to post:

  • Don’t post your personal stories on the company’s LinkedIn page
  • Offensive or inappropriate content
  • Posts with grammatic issues or without any value
  • Reshares (if they’re not related to your brand or audience)
  • Don’t try to sell

What to post:

  • Memes and Funny images (if they’re correlated with your brand voice)
  • Distribute your content
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Job offerings
  • Value/Educative material
  • Launches/product updates
  • Testimonials
  • Customer feedback and excellence

Remember – the company’s LinkedIn profile pages are all about making big relationships with your target audience and being trustworthy.

LinkedIn Ads Marketing – is it worth it?

LinkedIn Ads can be a great way of marketing your company’s LinkedIn pages. Without any doubt – they’re bringing great results.

Just as in Facebook, there are different objectives of your LinkedIn ads:

  • Website visits – it can be great for content promotion
  • Engagement – great for expanding the reach of your LinkedIn posts.
  • Video views – great for increasing exposure to your videos.
  • Lead generation – this campaign type shows a little form with pre-filled data from visitor’s LinkedIn profiles to people who are likely to fill the entire form. Can be great for collecting leads.

Indeed, all of these campaign types can be great for different goals and objectives.

What I really like about LinkedIn ads is the opportunity to target the most specific users.

Selecting the target audience is super easy, and you’re able to reach your ideal buyer persona.

That’s a huge benefit of doing LinkedIn Ads.

On the other hand, the cost of doing LinkedIn ads is the reason why I don’t like to use them. Especially since there are better (and more profitable) ways of doing marketing of LinkedIn company pages.

According to Webfx‘s survey of 270 marketers – about 49% of the respondents spend $2-4 on LinkedIn Ads per click and 18% spend over $10 per click. While for impressions, around 26% of businesses pay more than $20.00 per 1000 impressions.

That’s too much – especially if your monthly customer subscription is around $5 – $50/mo.

Although LinkedIn Ads are great and they will definitely deliver amazing results – they’re not a good option for SMBs – only for enterprise companies.

But, there’s something much better than running LinkedIn ads that will skyrocket your reach and engagement.

It’s called the company LinkedIn engagement pod.

How to Use Company Engagement Pods to Boost Reach and Engagement?

Before I start explaining what are the company engagement pods for LinkedIn and how to use them, let’s first see what LinkedIn’s algorithm looks like.

It’s pretty simple.

LinkedIn wants to show only the most quality content to its users.

The more likes and comments some post has immediately after publishing it – the more LinkedIn will rank that post better in the feed and show it to more people.

It’s as simple as that.

Likes and comments in the first 30 minutes are the valuation for LinkedIn that some posts are great and people love reading them.

Thus, there are two ways to get big initial engagement on your LinkedIn company posts:

  • To have at least 7500+ followers of your company on LinkedIn (imagining that 1% of your followers will engage with you) – so you can get around 75 initial likes and comments at the beginning.
  • Use company LinkedIn engagement pods to boost engagement and traction immediately.

Pods are groups of people where everyone likes and comments on each other’s posts so they can boost reach and engagement. In this way – everyone inside the pod gets amazing initial engagement and a great boost of their reach.

As proof for you to see that pods are working, here’s a post that I boosted inside some pods and got around 50 comments and 150 likes:

As you can see, in the end, I’ve got 500 likes, almost 700 comments, and a reach of an amazing 97,000!

Not bad for someone who has 2000 connections like me.

Anyway, company pods are essentially the groups of people working in the same company. So if you have 50 teammates, the pod should be made of all 50 people.

Once you publish some post on your company’s LinkedIn page – all 50 of them should engage with it.

There are two ways can you create company pods:

  • Use your default communication channels for that – for example, if you’re using Slack for your team communication, you can create a channel dedicated to that.
  • Use lempod’s company pods – lempod is the LinkedIn marketing tool where all members of one pod will automatically engage with each other.

Groups inside Slack can be a satisfying way of boosting your engagement. The advantage of this way is that it doesn’t cost any money at all.

But ,on the other hand, all of your teammates will need to manually go to your post, like it, and then comment on it.

This can be a big problem especially because no one wants to break their workflows, productivity, and concentration to just give you one like.

So, in the end, from 50 people inside your company, you will get approximately 20 – 25 likes and comments in the first 3 – 4 hours after publishing the post.


You have only 30 minutes to go viral.

The other, better and faster solution (but it costs a little bit), is using lempod for creating company pods.

Lempod is the LinkedIn marketing tool for boosting engagement. Besides public pods, we also have company pods.

lempod is pretty simple.

It works this way:

  1. Add the members of your company inside lempod
  2. Publish the post on the company’s LinkedIn page
  3. Copy the URL of the post and paste it in lempod
  4. All the members of your company will automatically like and comment on your LinkedIn post without forcing them to manually do that.

In this way, you will be able to get AMAZING initial engagement on your company’s LinkedIn posts and reach a bigger number of people.

But remember, you can also use your company’s pod on lempod to boost private posts as well. In that way, you will also be able to improve the personal awareness of each member of your team.

If your post is interesting enough and if you implement the lempod in a proper way, you will be able to have a reach of 10x your followers or even more.

Sometimes, like in the example I mentioned above where I got almost 100,000 views with 2000 followers. My reach was 50X my follower base.

It’s hard to achieve this on any other platform except LinkedIn.

The price of lempod’s company pods is $3.99/mo/user. So for 50 employees, your price will be $199.50 per month.

Perhaps this sounds too much – but this is the same amount of money you will pay for around 50 clicks from LinkedIn ads.

Not to mention that you can boost posts 30 times per month for one user – or in total, all of your members can boost posts 1500 times if each one of them boosts one post each day.

The same results with LinkedIn ads will cost you definitely over $1000 per month or even higher.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, it’s really cool to do the marketing of your company’s LinkedIn page.

You will be able to improve your brand awareness, find new people to join your company, generate more leads, and distribute your content in a better way.

But everything you need is a little bit of creativity to write engaging posts, and money (or pods) to achieve big reach.

Make sure to create your company’s pod on lempod right now and start generating a lot of leads.

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